We love to hear about your fundraising stories and none more so than this fabulous women! This is Hannah, a family friend of Davey and ex-neighbor, as in lived next door, not a star of the Australian soap!
Last July Hannah broke her ankle, sustaining three fractures, which showed no signs of healing. Despondent and depressed and not having the use of her leg, this had a huge impact on Hannah’s quality of life. David’s predicament made Hannah realise how easily life can change and how grateful she is for what she still had “when I feel down, I think of Davey and what an inspiration he is”.
Wearing a fixed fracture boot has made movement a real challenge, Hannah has been in pain and her mobility severely limited on crutches and only being allowed to partially weight bear. This is painful and severely limits Hannah’s mobility, especially the ability to walk any significant distance.
Now, you’d be forgiven for thinking Hannah simply made a donation but oh no…Hannah took it much further…
Before her surgery, Hannah walked the length of Old Watling Street in both directions and raised an incredible £615, on crutches, in her boot; a total distance of 4404 metres, or 2.74 miles on the road where David once lived, and where Hannah still lives.
We would like to say a massive THANK YOU!, you are simply an incredible women.
Here’s to Hannah!