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Easter Family Fun!

As Easter approached, ‘Operation Bunny’ was put into action. It was the perfect day for a family picnic with Louise, daughters Summer and Bella, David’s sister Heather, husband James and daughter Daisy. The plan was to have an Easter egg hunt, and lots of yummy treats for everyone to enjoy.

On Saturday, David’s family arrived, and the girls were thrilled to wear their bunny ears and search around the Horatio Garden Cafe for the hidden Easter eggs. David had made sure to hide them well, and Summer and Bella were determined to find them all. They ran around excitedly, trying to find the colourful eggs that were hidden in every nook and cranny.

As the Easter egg hunt continued, David’s sister, Heather, and her family arrived. They were greeted with warm hugs and lots of laughter. The Horatio Garden Cafe at Stoke was bustling with activity, and everyone was enjoying themselves. Of course David wore his special bunny ears too.

As the day drew to a close, David’s family packed up their Easter eggs and said their goodbyes but not before some fun wheelchair races! The girls were tired but happy, and David was pleased that his family had enjoyed themselves. He knew that these moments spent with family were precious and that they will always cherish these memories.

This day was an important opportunity to make great memories in harder times. It was a time to come together, enjoy each other’s company, and celebrate the joy of the season. The Easter egg hunt was the highlight of the day, and the yummy food and warm laughter made it a day to remember. It’s always so hard for Louise, Summer and Bella to leave at the end of the day. David knows that these moments with his family are priceless, and he looks forward to many more good times to come.

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Grab a Wavey Davey Hoodie today and help us raise important funds for Wavey Davey’s recovery! Now with new colours to choose from!